Getting the Message Out at WMUC Radio
Getting the Message Out at WMUC Radio WMUC Radio is located on the second floor of the South Campus Diner and is visible to campus only through a window labeled "WMUC." Taken 11/16/18. Sophomores Anders Julin and Calvin Crunkleton spend time in the chalk-covered WMUC lobby awaiting a Business Team meeting on 11/30/18. Business Team is responsible for maintaining the station's budget and planning fundraising activities. Soul Cannon, a "hip-hop destruction band" from Baltimore, poses for a photo in the WMUC lobby during their visit to the station on 11/16/18. Many bands throughout the state visit the station to perform, interview and play their music on air. (From left to right: Eze Jackson, Jon Birkholz, Charles Wilson, Matt Frazao). The radio station is equipped with "on air" lights that indicate when the DJ in the studio is speaking live using the microphones on air. Taken 11/30/18. Senior vocal perfor...